Monday, June 10, 2013

End of week 33 = 716.75 hours spent learning RoR!!!

Had a great week, got in 30 hours of studying my personal best ever! I'm working on writing the User stories and Scenarios for our product, just got to finish them up tonight.

As I told you last time, I'm putting some things on hold for the time being, including the Dream Keeper Farms site. Thought I'd show you what the site looked like after 18 hours of work, here's my Heroku link to the site: Dream Keeper Farms   It's only 80% of the way done, and yes the sign in authorization needs some love, which I will do after this product is released.  Here's the site they are using currently: Original Dream Keeper Farm Site .

Life, shoeing, and coding is all going at 100 mph, so not be rude, or too brief, I need to get back to work :-) Oh, I'm giving one of the "Lightning Talks" at ArlingtonRuby this week, so I'm excited! -Josh