Friday, May 31, 2013

Learning Ruby on Rails Day: 220! Lots of things are happening!!!

Holy Cow! it's amazing to me that 7 months ago I was just starting to learn Ruby on Rails and now, I just got off the phone with Bloomberg! Anyway, lot's of stuff going on, lot's of recruiters calling and I've done several phone interviews. 

 I say all that, not to brag but to encourage you to not wait, if you want to be a developer, go for it! The time is not tomorrow or down the road, the time is now! You CAN get hired as a self taught developer with no degree. I'll tell you more of what's going on June 6th as promised.

By the way, I'll tell you  a secrect: I'm writing an article to be published on a fairly large site soon(I'll tell you where, when it's done)...remember mum's the word ;)

I  just got mentioned on the 48days Podcast!!! Which has over 90,000 downloads per week! Check it out =>  48DaysPodcast I'm at minute -38:04. I love the 48DaysPodcast, and I was just so excited to get mentioned on it, made my week :-)

 Been studying hard as ever, but I'm not going to lie, this whole search engine thing is harder than I thought. I'm not giving up or anything like that, I hope like heck I make my 3 week deadline!!!

There is nothing quite like falling asleep on the couch and having your wife wake you up in the middle of the night and say: "Honey what are you doing? Come to bed." :-)

The cartoon I drew received great feedback, so I have another planned for this weekend or Monday, so stay tuned for another of my corny nerd cartoons!- Josh