Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Zed Shaw's Learn Ruby The Hard Way Lesson: 45

I am SO excited about learning RoR! I've just been so encouraged this week by people following this blog and also on Twitter, I couldn't wait to learn a little more piece of the pie tonight:)

I am 10 lessons away from being done with Zed Shaw's Ruby book, on a good pace, although I must admit, I have only done about half of the extra credit parts to his lessons. The main reason for that is because some say stop for a week and do X or Y, and I agree I need to learn those things down pat, however I really want to finish at least the main core lessons of Ruby before the Berkeley edX class starts on January 7th.

Tonight I'm working on a rather large project (at least for me) building a game, which is lesson: 45. I'll let you know how it goes, can't wait for the 7th! I need to check edX's website later and see if the virtual machine stuff is available to download and start setting up.

Just as a note, if I can help anyone on anything (despite my very limited knowledge) just drop me a line and I'd be glad to help in anyway that I can or maybe at least point you in better direction:)- Josh